Saturday, July 28, 2007

No mountain is too high

This is the first time i write a blog.
Thanks God i am still alive until today.
I move to KL on Feb 2006 the saddest day of my
life living the most comfort place my hometown Sandakan.
Tears flows down from my cheek when i let go mom and dad hands
I wonder around the airplane..Wonder what happen?who i will meet
when i reach this foreign Land...1 year here God really test my faith
Is culture shock..Everyone is not friendly and sleep late at night.
The 1st time i take buses of my own without mom and dad around.
Oh,well is not turn good the buses turn here and there..i was lost
but determination win over i am able to walk a distance to ask People
got buses go back to Sunway or not..For those who close with me
i been change 4 job in a year since i am in KL..My life is like a roller coaster
People look at me with a weird eye..What happen my child?Today i realize
God have his purpose in my life..i see the mountain is so high i can't climb
but i am with you my child..Don't let go your hand

*Determation win over if you focus on him alone


: : kamwah : : said...

haiyoyo..... jus stay is not easy...jus walk through it la..-kamwah

Bea said...

"...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strenght. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary. they will walk and not be faint." ~isaiah 40:31~


About Me

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A person who past blessing to others