Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Missing Virtue

From the time I was a toddler until I graduated from college,I was
Surrounded by people who love me include my family,Church Member,
Collegues..People come and go left me a footprint of friendship in my life.
Times files …Can’t believe I have been in this foreign Land(KL) for 3 years.
Looking back those time.i give thanks to the Lord for he is so good to me
He never forsake me…Yet I manage to step out from a unbreathable boxes
Now I leaving alone without my parents and sis Jenny around..Learning
to manage household, Job and Ministry with the help of the Lord.Any
brother and Sister who read my blog,Do remember me in your prayer.
Cause no man in an island. Hope one day my house will have the laughter
Of my really own share group member again.May God answer my prayer.

*The Lord is Good all the time*

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A person who past blessing to others