Monday, December 31, 2007

The 1 year mould me a lot

Thank God for the past one year.Thank God
for having this share group in my life.
Sharing sad,crisis,trouble together.
The photo include,Cedric,Samantha,Ice,Daniel,
Erna,Kelvin,Teck Hee and me Thank God for their support
all through the year.As i wake up this morning i open
my pc and heard He is the reason.I love this song.
Is reflect only Jesus can bear this cross for us.
Our respond is to give all to him alone.We
also spending our time walking around Ikea,The Curve
on sunday to strengthen our friendship.
Last night we have our new year dinner at pizza hut
and watch late nite movie.......phew!!!is the 1st time
i sleep at the cinema.I have to admit that i am getting
older already.All the glory to him

*Blessed New Year and new life being*

1 comment:

samenduck|samenmouse said... was fun hanging out with u all^^

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A person who past blessing to others