Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas mean???

Today is 25 Dec 2007(Tues).A normal day
go to Christmas Service and have lunch
with Brother and Sister in Christ.Time
fly so fast like wind i have been here
for 2 years.(KL) Growing,walking,sharing
life go through struggle,hardship
with FCC family..Looking at them
married one by one.When i gaze at the
this blazing future board.i remain myself
more challenge to face next year.This year
is really a year of breakthrough
for me.I been given an task to take care
of bookshop to deal with fussy parents and
naughty students to face with mountain of books
with 4 unknown character colleagues in my life..
Oh Lord,i need to rest in your presence.I need you
more than anythings without you who i am.

*God you are might

1 comment:

samenduck|samenmouse said...

you can surely do it...God is with u all the time^^

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A person who past blessing to others